Why PRINCE2® Practitioner?

The PRINCE2® course will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of the scope, content and structure of the PRINCE2® method, to fully prepare you for the PRINCE2® Practitioner exam*. The Training Bytesize PRINCE2® online training will involve YOU in the learning process, it’s simple and to the point and will get you ready to take your exam in a time and way that suits your style.

The Practitioner is the second of the two PRINCE2® examinations candidates have to pass to become a PRINCE2® Practitioner. This PRINCE2® examination is aimed at measuring whether a candidate would be able to apply PRINCE2® to the running and managing of a project within an environment supporting PRINCE2®. They need to exhibit the competence required for the Foundation qualification and show that they can apply and tune PRINCE2® to address the needs and problems of a specific project scenario.

Candidates must be able to:

  • Produce detailed explanations of all principles, themes and processes and worked examples of all PRINCE2® products as they might be applied to address the particular circumstances of a given project scenario.
  • Show they understand the relationships between principles, themes and processes and PRINCE2® products and can apply this understanding
  • Demonstrate their ability to tune PRINCE2® to different project circumstances.

Certification / Exam

This course provides the background knowledge for the related certification exam (which learners must pass in order to achieve the formal Certification). The cost of the exam is included in the course price.

Following enrolment, the learner details (name, email, organisation) are forwaded to the course publisher to add to their approved candidates list. The learner may subsequently book their exam (see below for details of the booking process).

(It is recommended that the PRINCE2® manual is purchased seperately to be used as the as reference for the open-book exam. The manual is not included with this course).

Why buy this course?

Having specialised in the development of elearning training courses for over 12 years you can be assured of an exceptionally high quality, interactive product. The delivery of the training course is through a truly collaborative online learning platform, ideal for organisations with a global reach. The course is approximately 15 hours long, interactive and uses audio and animation to create an interesting and involved training programme. The Virtual Learning Environment brings together forums, discussions, resources, social media, support videos and much more.

  • Re-enforce your knowledge of the Foundation level with our useful refresher
  • Variety of options for sitting the exam including exam centres worldwide and remote proctor service available.
  • Work with two practitioner mock papers so you become familiar and comfortable with the format of the exam.
  • The beauty of elearning is you can study in bite size chunks, having the bookmarking system you can just pick up where you left off.

PRINCE2® Practitioner course

Session 1

  • Introduction

Session 2

  • Exam Technique and how to use the manual

Session 3

  • Processes SU and IP

Session 4

  • Processes CS and MP

Session 5

  • Processes DP, SB, CP

Session 6

  • Business Case

Session 7

  • Organisation, team and processes

Session 8

  • Quality Theme

Session 9

  • Plans Theme

Session 10

  • Risk Theme

Session 11

  • Change Theme

Session 12

  • Progress Theme

Exam Booking and Format

To book the online exam, please contact exams@trainingbytesize.com before the end date of your course. Please provide your name, email, course name and course end date. You will then be contacted with the relevant information. Please note that there is a £25+ VAT fee for exam cancellation or rescheduling.

The exam format is as follows.

  • Objective testing
  • 8 questions - 10 question items per question, each worth one mark
  • 38 marks or more required to pass (out of 68 available) - 55%
  • Two-and-a-half hours (150 minutes) duration, no additional reading time
  • Open-book examination (only the PRINCE2® Manual)

The PRINCE2® course on this page is offered by Training Bytesize, an Accredited Training Organisation of AXELOS Limited.

PRINCE2® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

This course has a minimum of 25 learner registrations for us to provide a quotation.

Request a Quotation
Date last updated
10-12 Hours
Suitable Devices
  • PC
  • Phone
  • Tablet
Audio is Required
  • Yes
Includes Video
  • Yes
Downloadable Resources
  • No
Completion Criteria
  • Visit all pages
Pass Mark
  • 50% pass mark required
Course Technology
  • HTML5
  • SCORM 1.2
Can be customised
  • Yes
Accreditation or Endorsements
  • Arabic
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
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